Friday, December 26, 2008

Tips on Reusing Foreclosed Properties

Photo by Mint Software on Flickr.

Last May, the Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, with support from the Ford Foundation, convened leading housing researchers, policymakers, lenders, and nonprofit housing organizations to discuss how best to leverage public and private resources to reuse foreclosed properties in a manner that helps stabilize neighborhoods. With all that has happened in the housing and broader financial markets since then, this issue is more central than ever to the challenges facing cities around the country.

Below is the link to the White Paper the Furman Center has produced to document that roundtable conversation. In addition to summarizing much of the discussion's substance, they have included links to resources—ranging from existing research papers on related topics to listings of REO properties. This should be useful to practitioners, researchers and policymakers involved in neighborhood stabilization projects. — Vicki Been & Ingrid Gould Ellen

Transforming Foreclosed Properties into Community Assets
[NYU Furman Center White Paper]

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