Wednesday, January 7, 2009

SIREN's Top 6 Tips for Effective Space Planning

Photo by wili_hybrid on Flickr.

You can save yourself a lot of time and trouble by taking careful measurements and thinking through the following issues before you start drawing. When measuring existing spaces, lay your measuring tape flat on the floor and measure room dimensions in several places, especially where furniture will be a tight fit. Don’t assume your walls are parallel.

2. Before laying out furniture, look for projecting windowsills, and note the location of electrical receptacles, light switches, vents and thermostats.

3. When placing a desk, ask yourself, “What do I want to be looking at when I sit there?”

4. The walkway between a piece of furniture and a wall should be at least 30 inches in a residential space (36″ is preferred). In a public space it should be at least 36 inches (42″ is preferred).

5. When placing furniture on a residential plan, remember that most furniture will actually sit 2 or 3 inches from the wall.

6. Don’t line all the furniture up along the walls. Break up spaces by placing pieces out in the room. Setting rugs, sofas, or other furniture at angles can help avoid an overly rigid feel.

For more tips on effective space planning click here: [RISMedia]

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