Friday, February 6, 2009

Radiohead's "Pay What You Like" Crosses Over to the Real Estate Community

Photo by BandMetrics on Flickr.

Radiohead's pay-what-you-like experiment for their critically acclaimed album, 'In Rainbows', has crossed over to the real estate community as well. MIDEM, one of the world's biggest music conferences, has partnered with Everything Canne, a real estate company in Cannes, France to offer 40 apartments in the city at whatever price a MIDEM visitor wants to pay. Although not such an original idea anymore, it is certainly a good attempt to encourage visitors to attend the music conference. It is a risky strategy to employ because if the donations do not cover the costs of housing these visitors, Everything Canne will be taking a loss on the deal. On a positive note, regardless if they lose on the deal, the wonderful accommodations provided to the guests will hopefully leave a lasting impression and entice the them to return in the future. Obviously a smart real estate company will not leave anything up to chance, so they hedged their bet by trying to tap into the human psyche. Before the visitors leave they are supposed to have a conversation with their local Guest Support Representative, apparently on the theory that having to look another human in the eye makes it that much harder for someone to cheap out and offer some absurdly low rate.

Radiohead's "pay what you like" crosses over to real estate [Ars Technica]

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