Wednesday, September 2, 2009

COAHSI's Mapping Staten Island Art Exhibtion

From a post in The Forgotten Borough:

The Council on the Arts & Humanities for Staten Island (COAHSI) will turn Staten Island’s massive New York Container Terminal into a contemporary museum for a special arts weekend highlighting the work of ten borough artists. The exhibit, entitled “Mapping Staten Island,” explores these artists’ perceptions of their resident borough, through physical installations, video, light, and musical recordings. The exhibit space – created by the newly established firm Archicorp -- will be a work of art in itself, as actual shipping pallets will be used to build walls, tables and other structures to display the artwork. After the exhibit, the pallets will be recycled and used for their original purpose of transporting consumer goods. This unique exhibit is open to the public on Saturday, October 3, 2009 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., with a minimal entry fee of $5.

Read more about the exhibit and the artists on The Forgotten Borough's post.

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