Wednesday, October 14, 2009

People are Living Longer

The Assisted Living Federation of America article reports that: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is saying that U.S. life expectancy is the highest it’s ever been – 78 years old, on average –mainly due to falling death rates in several categories. This latest statistic, combined with plentiful data about the aging population, is yet another reason investors are eyeing opportunities in the senior living sector.

U.S. life expectancy reached 77.7 years in 2006 and 77.9 years in 2007, which ranks the nation at about 30 among other countries. Japan has the longest life expectancy – 83 years – according to a report by USA Today.

In a related report, the National Institute on Aging and the Census Bureau, estimates that by 2040, seniors will be 14% of the world's population, instead of the current 7%. U.S. communities may not be ready.

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