Thursday, July 9, 2009

Less Traffic More Transit: Is it possible for Staten Island?

As this article from Curbed states, Staten Island is "by far, the most transit-neglected borough in the city." But that might be changing with "Staten Island’s borough representative to the MTA Board wants to increase transit offerings on the car-dependent island." The article goes on to say that the SI transit outlook may actually be a rosy one due to Albany’s approval of a bailout package that allows the MTA refocusing on priorities such as the borough’s proposed light rail system helping to alleviate the borough’s clogged road network that will only get worse with projected population growth.

Curbed concludes that "In the end, the MTA should probably look at reviving the Brooklyn-to-SI underground subway connection. While the project would be expensive and wouldn’t become a reality for decades, a subway to Staten Island would do wonders for the mobility of a part of the city often considered the forgotten borough"

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