Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The City Concealed: Freshkills Park Project

Did you know that the City of New York makes over a million dollars a MONTH from reclaiming methane gas from the Fresh Kills landfill and turning it into natural gas that they sell to National Grid? That and some very interesting history, views of the park as it is now and insight into the future plans for Fresh Kills from an excellent video segment from Channel 13's The City Concealed series.

I found it particularly interesting that the 10 million cubic feet of gas that the landfill pumps out daily produces over $12 million dollars a year in revenue for the City. So after dumping on Staten Island for 50 or more years, the City is now harvesting the corollary revenue from that as well. I sure hope that all that money is ploughed back into servicing the residents of Staten Island.

As says Eloise Hirsch, the Fresh Kills Park Administrator, says at the beginning of video: "People really shouldn't underestimate how wounded people in Staten Island are by what the rest on the City essentially dumped on them."

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