Monday, June 15, 2009

"Tweet" Your Properties on Twitter

Twitter basically bum rushed the social networking game and said I'm the new big dog in town, just as Facebook and Myspace did. The crazy thing about Twitter is that they are a non revenue generating business (for NOW at least), but yet they stay strong and are growing everyday. I'm sure they have plenty of big buyout offers on the table; after all every celebrity seems to Twit and endorse this site. It's almost like a novelty thing at this point.

To build on top of the Twitter phenomenon, there is a new site call Tweetlister that promotes properties over Twitter. So the question is, how can real estate agents use this site to their advantage? Well, Tweetlister takes all the listing details you input in to the site and automatically creates a 140 character “tweet” for you and gives you a landing page for the property. It's very simple to use and links directly to your Twitter account, with an intuitive control panel to help manage, schedule and post real estate lisitngs on Twitter.

As crazy as it sounds, if you are a real estate agent and have not heard of Twitter, check out this post from The Real Estate Tomato, Twitter Explained for the Real Estate Blogger.

Don't forget to check out SIREN on Twitter and show me some love!

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